5 Reasons YOU should catch up on your Steam games like goddam finally seriously – Dean Villanueva

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER

5 Reasons YOU should catch up on your Steam games like goddam finally seriously
You have so many damn Steam games you haven’t even played. And so many more to still play. So many games bundles, so many
recommendations, so many “HEY MANGO YOU SHOULD PLAY THIS GAME!” bought on sale for $2, then tossed to the digital dusty shelf
of your Steam shelf.
You should go through them because of the following reasons:
1) There’s a whole lot of good in there
I’m willing to be that there’s not that many crap games in your Steam library. Each game either came in a bundle that is
curated or was off a recommendation somehow, either from a friend or online review from a publication you trust. You are
definitely missing out on a whole lot of experiences that need to be shared. There could also be some diamonds in the rough
here. Taken as a wholly ‘objective average’ there’s nothing really crap in there. Seriously.
2) Money wasting
You did pay for my damn games, even if they were heavily discounted. That should count for something. You probably bought the
damn things because they were on sale. If you don’t play them you would have saved so much more not buying them. Aaah your
easily marketable human mind.
3) Fight boredom
The greatest sin of the modern first world is to claim you’re bored. There’s so much entertainment. And yes I do fall into
this too sometimes. But we both have literal years worth of entertainment our hard earned’s paid for, so stop whinging!
4) Forget about Melissa
Melissa CLAIMED to love you but you found her in bed with Brad, your best friend who also claimed to love you. You know what
you can claim? Claim those unplayed games! Games can never love you physically but Melissa never really did anyway.That indie
pixel art game is cute but not as cute as how Mel wore her hair, but at least Brad can’t run his fingers through it. You can
invest HOURS of blood, sweat and tears into a game and you can return to it at any time and it’ll always be there.Unlike
Melissa you won’t spend fruitless hours coming up with imaginary kids names. Spend hours in that neglected multiplayer
shooter and make new friends. New friends that unlike Brad who won’t give in to his selfish sexual urges.
5) You could let people in on hidden gems
Give your own totally objective opinion on things. Because you’re always correct. Obviously.
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