THE WALKER – Alia Wyatt

Another brilliant piece from a GUNNAS WRITING MASTERCLASS WRITER  



Life is not a journey

A meandering path at best

Caught unaware at crossroads

The walker dare not rest


The path ahead obscured

Twists wildly to the right

A wall of foliage shades the way

Thorns hidden out of sight


Life is not a linear route

The past bears its’ own weight

The future an illusion

Which step decides my fate?


The stars shine on regardless

of choices that are made

Humanity is miniscule

Upon the universal stage


Yet every step imprints

A mark upon the ground

Filled with love and empathy

All life can be profound


Adversity can suck you down

So shine bright against the night

Stride ahead with joy and hope

Because life is worth the fight.

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